Tickets On Sale NOW For The 2023 Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Western Art Show and Sale

The 44th Annual Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Western Art Show and Sale is just around the corner! On July 20, 2023 the Old West Museum will be holding the opening reception, and the Western Art Show & Sale will be on exhibit from July 21 - August 13, 2023. This will be an incredible showcase of western art, culture and heritage.

Join in the celebration of one of the Rocky Mountain region’s largest western art show by attending the opening reception, which will take place on July 20, 2023 starting at 3:30pm. For tickets go to

Exhibition Schedule

April 15 - July 19, 2023

Tickets on Sale for the 2023 CFD Western Art Show and Sale

July 19, 2023

6:00 pm - Shotgun Preview  **By Invitation Only to Museum Patrons and Sponsors

July 20, 2023

Western Art Show & Sale Opening Reception

3:30 PM - Red Carpet Registration, Museum Entrance

4:30 PM - Reception at Wyoming Governor's Residence*

*Guests must provide a name before July 10th and check in at the Museum in order to be admitted to the Governor's Residence

6:00 PM - Art Show & Sale Exhibition Opens

Jump-the-Gun Sales Begin

7:00 PM - Dinner Service Begins

Regular Buy Opens with First Drawing

7:20 PM - Regular Buy Second Drawing

July 21 - August 13, 2023

Art Exhibition open to the public

​This exhibition is organized by the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum, and since 1981, has raised nearly $3 million to support the Museum's operations and longevity.