Make A Difference During WyoGives Day

WyoGives brings the state together as one community to raise money and awareness for Wyoming’s nonprofits. This 2nd annual 24-hour day of online giving will kick off at 12:01 AM this Wednesday, July 14th, 2021.

During WyoGives day you get to choose which non-profit organization you would like to contribute to right here in Cheyenne or across the state. This year there are over 190 nonprofits participating in this year's event. You can search on the site for the nonprofit you want to give to by name, city, county, or cause.

Some of the non-profit groups in the Cheyenne area that are participating in WyoGives include: Wyoming Hunger Initiative, Girls on the Run Wyoming,  Wyoming Children's Society, Cheyenne Civic Center Foundation, Grace for 2 Brothers, and the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative to name a few. To see a full list of all of the organizations in Cheyenne and around the State of Wyoming that you can contribute to go to and search for your favorite non-profit.

To help kick off this year's event, Laramie County nonprofits will be hosting a Coffee, Cooler and Confectionary Crawl tomorrow. Nonprofit representatives will be stationed at Dazbog North, Paramount Café, Beach Please, the Library Café, Hawthorne Tree, Cold Stone Creamery, Wyo Snow Co., Mary’s Mountain Cookies, Mort’s Bagels, the Railyard Coffee Haus and Eatery, Alf's Pub and 2 Doors Down to share information about their organization and what WyoGives means to them. The businesses have also generously agreed to donate a portion of their proceeds directly to Laramie County nonprofits.