Join In On The 7th Annual Valentine's Day Cookie Drive for Airmen

Help show our airmen some love this Valentine's Day by baking some cookies! The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce's Military Affairs Committee along with the Warren Spouses Club, and the Women's Civic League of Cheyenne are hosting the 7th Annual Valentine's Day Cookie Drive for Airmen, and they are asking for your help! The goal is to have 1000 cookies to be dropped off in cookie bags to Airmen stationed at FE Warren AFB and with the WY National Guard this Valentine's Day!
Off-base drop-off: Monday, February 12
Burns Insurance, 237 Storey Blvd Ste 200; 8:30 am to 4:15 pm
Blue Federal Credit Union-World Headquarters, 2401 E Pershing Blvd.; 9 am to 4:15 pm
Western Vista Credit Union, 1920 Thomes Ave., Suite 100; 8 am to 4:15 pm
On-base drop-off: Tuesday, February 13
7:30 am to 9:00 am; Chapel Activity Center, Bldg 212, 7307 Randall Ave., FE Warren AFB
Special instructions:
-Please deliver cookies in a disposable container; we are unable to return containers.
-The cookies do not have to be individually wrapped; we will be assembling bags with a variety of cookies.
Go to to sign up to make cookies. ** Sign up instructions: For cookie donations, under the "COMMENTS" section, please type 1. type of cookie; 2. organization (MAC, WSC, WCLC, business, community, Military/spouse, etc.) Under the "QUANTITY" box, please type the number of dozen cookies you will be donating. You can also volunteer for cookie bag assembly.
Let's show our Airmen some LOVE Cheyenne!!