Fur Ball Presents "The Great Catsby" This Saturday

The Cheyenne Animal Shelter has been enhancing the quality of life for animals and people in Cheyenne and Laramie County for 50 years! To help continue to lend a hand of kindness to neglected and abused companion animals, the Cheyenne Animal Shelter is hosting this year's Fur Ball "The Great Catsby" this Saturday, March 14, 2020. This fantastic event will take place at the Little America Resort and Hotel from 5:00 pm - 11:30 pm.
"The Great Catsby" will be a night filled with libations and a delicious dinner along with live and silent auctions to help the nearly 6,000 animals that will depend on the Cheyenne Animal Shelter this year. For tickets visit the shelter's website at cheyenneshelter.org. To add a little extra fun to this event 20's costumes are welcome to go along with the "Great Catsby" theme.
The Fur Ball is an annual pet-friendly gala, which raises money in support of the animals and programs at the Cheyenne Animal Shelter. The funds raised during the gala will help care for and protect homeless animals, ensure that all animals adopted from the shelter are spayed or neutered, aid in investigating animal cruelty and neglect, and help to provide funding for low-cost spay/neutering through the Big Fix program.