Don't Miss Cheyenne Botanic Gardens' Late Night Lights

Enjoy a beautiful holiday lights display inside the Shane Smith Conservatory at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens. You will not want to miss Late Night Lights hosted by the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens on Wednesday, December 21st and Thursday, December 22nd from 5:30pm - 8:00pm. The event is free and open to the public.
“I’m delighted to host these family-friendly evenings for our community,” said Scott Aker, manager of the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens. “Our staff has worked hard to decorate the conservatory with lights and ornaments, and the result is charming.”
This year the staff wanted to try something new by also decorating the inside of the conservatory. “We want to promote what we have inside this year and give people a little taste of the tropics,” Aker said. “You’ll find the conservatory a little cooler than it is during the day, just like equatorial ecosystems around the world. This creates a natural growing environment in which our tropical collection can thrive.”
Bring your family and friends and enjoy the holiday lights, and don't forget to stop by the Tilted Tulip Gift Shop for coffee, hot chocolate, or tea.