Dr. Danielle Ryan Awarded Women's Leadership Award for 2022

The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce recognized Dr. Danielle Ryan, Laramie County Community College Human and Public Services Coordinator, as the 2022 Women's Leadership Award winner on Friday, December 2nd.
"This year’s award winner is no stranger to our community," the chamber said in a released statement. "She has a longstanding reputation for unwavering community support and business success, and she exemplifies the true meaning of the Women’s Leadership Award. There is not a day that goes by where you won’t see her demonstrating how female leaders have a strong footprint in business, civic and community engagement."
Just recently, Ryan was elected to represent more than 100 faculty members for the College Council. She also serves on the Pathway Governance Council, is the co-chair of the Institution Review Board, as well as serves as a board member for United Way of Laramie County, Cheyenne’s Chapter Z PEO, Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative. Her past chairmen roles include the Pink Ribbon Run in 2019 and the Cheyenne Capital Chorale.
She also is on the Starbase Foundation, which supports furthering STEM opportunities. Her research, among other projects, focuses on keeping women and minorities in STEM. She has published several articles in high-impact scholarly journals, which include over 12 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Her research has been presented at national levels, and her work has generated funding from prestigious grants.
Every year the nominees for the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Women's Leadership Award our outstanding women in our community. This year was no exception. The following ladies were in the running for this prestigious award.