Cheyenne Regional Airport Is Back Up and Running!

After being closed for 160 days due to the renovation of Runway 09-27, the Cheyenne Regional Airport is back and open for business as of September 10th, 2023. The project was a massive undertaking, with 60,000 square yards of concrete poured for the $24 million project of replacing the runway.

Tim Bradshaw, director of the Cheyenne Regional Airport, commented on the hard work done in order to get the runway back up and running, “They worked seven days a week, they worked all the holidays, July 4, Memorial Day, all of them,” Bradshaw said. “Every day, with all that rain, they were still able to get the job done. Just a tremendous effort on (IHC Scott’s) part.”

The Cheyenne Regional Airport makes flying out of Cheyenne easy, and with more people flying out of the Cheyenne airport, more flights can be added to the schedule, more visitors will come in, and our economy can reap the benefits. Boardings last year were up 60%, despite runway restrictions last summer that included weight and balance limits. Let's Fly Cheyenne!