Cheyenne Here Is Your Chance To Watch Movies Under The Stars

Bring the whole family, and enjoy watching movies under our western skies in the comfort of your own car at Terry Bison Ranch. Throughout July, Terry Bison Ranch will be hosting drive-in movie nights. The cost is $25.00 per car, and tickets can be purchased by going to Terry Bison Ranch's Facebook page and clicking on events.

The following is a list of movies they will be featuring.

July 4, 2020 Double Feature - Fargo & Rocky IV  (9:00pm)

July 8, 2020 The Alamo (8:00pm)

July 9, 2020 Pitch Perfect (9:00pm)

July 10, 2020 Chance  (9:00pm)

July 11, 2020 Chance  (9:00pm)

July 15, 2020 The Unforgiven (8:00pm)

Courtesy of Shankweiler's Drive-in Theatre Archives

The first drive-in movie theater opened in Camden, New Jersey on June 6, 1933, and featured a British comedy called Wives Beware. At that time they were called "park-in theaters" and were the brainchild of Richard Hollingshead. He came up with the idea of an open-air theater where patrons could watch movies from the comfort of their own vehicles. Hollingshead advertised it as entertainment for the entire family. He charged 25 cents per car and 25 cents per person, with no group paying more than one dollar.

The popularity of drive-ins hit their heyday in the late 1950s to mid 60s with some 5,000 theaters across the country. One of the biggest ones was in Copiague, New York, which featured parking spaces for 2,500 cars, a kid's playground and a full service restaurant. Today, fewer than 500 drive-in theaters exist in the United States.

The drive-in movie theater, an American icon, is alive and well this July in Cheyenne thanks to the help of Terry Bison Ranch, Spradley Barr Motors, 100.7 KOLT FM, Big 97.9, Visit Cheyenne, BrandWagon Magazine, Blue Pig Presents, Star 97.1 and 4Rivers Equipment.