7 Must Haves To Get Through Covid-19 Cabin Fever This Winter

As winter begins to settle in and the coronavirus continues to impact our daily lives, we are in need of all things comforting and cozy—as well as forms of entertainment that will keep cabin fever at bay while staying away from crowds. Here are some ideas to help get through the upcoming winter months, as we all look forward to the hopeful renewal of spring.

1. Outdoor Gear and Clothing

This is a great time to stock up on all of that fun winter gear. There are many great winter outdoor activities to partake in such as snowshoeing, cross-country and downhill skiing, snowboarding, and winter camping and hiking. With living in Wyoming we are fortunate to have all of these great activities right at our fingertips! Some fun activities for kids, who may need a break from learning at home, include going ice skating, sledding or building a snowman.

Of course with all of that outdoor activity, it is important to be properly dressed for the cold winter weather. Coats, hats, and mittens are popular every winter season, but this year you might have trouble finding what you want as more people brave the cold and snow to fend off cabin fever. You will want to buy essentials like mittens, gloves, and snow pants now. It might also be a good idea to look into purchasing boot and glove dryers too.

"People want to continue spending time together safely this winter amid the pandemic, and for many people that means staying outside and socially distanced," says Kimberly Palmer, a personal finance expert at NerdWallet.

2. Exercise Equipment

According to Colleen Logan, vice president of marketing at ICON Health and Fitness, "exercise equipment will continue to be in high demand as the flu season converges with COVID-19, and people may be hesitant to sweat it out at the gym." Treadmills, compact studio bikes and rowers are great for a shelter-in-place makeshift gym. Plus you can find many great exercise classes of all varietys online, that make it easy to get a good workout right in your living room.

3. Humidifiers and Air Purifiers

Recent studies have shown that when the humidity is higher, there are fewer infectious particles in the air. Humidifiers causes these airborne particles to become bigger and heavier, causing them to sink. When the air is dry and the humidity is low, the particles are small and remain in the air longer—not good.

Air purifiers also play an inportant role in getting rid of infectious airborne particles. HEPA filters can capture around 99% of those nasty particles. So this is a great time to add a humidifier and air purifier to your home while we have to keep the windows closed during the cold winter months.

4. Light Therapy

Increased anxiety has been a problem for many people since the start of the pandemic. Spending time outdoors is a proven mood lifter, but when Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, you may not feel like going outside. That's why Andrea Woroch, a consumer-savings and shopping expert, predicts light therapy lamps will be a hot item. Soaking up artificial sunshine has been proven to improve mood, and help people feel better.

5. Board Games and Video Games

"Consumers have already shown that they are spending more on home entertainment throughout this pandemic," says Kylie Ross Sibert, vice president of corporate communications at Retail Alliance. Starting a family game night with a classic board game, puzzles or video games is a great way to have some fun at home and spark some friendly family competition.  

6. Pet Goods

Fostering and adopting furry quarantine companions skyrocketed when the pandemic started, so it is imporant to stock up on cold weather gear for your furry friends. As winter approaches, Steve King, CEO of the American Pet Products Association, says you may want to stock up on pet-friendly ice melt (traditional ice melt can cause skin irritation or ingestion hazards.) Some other great supplies to shop for include dog booties, matching holiday jammies, or hats for those fun holiday pictures and cards to send to family and friends.

7. Comfortable Clothes

While hunkering down for the winter and practicing social distancing in our homes,we might as well be comfortable. Erica Russo, a fashion consultant and lifestyle expert, says "comfy clothes from popular brands are sure to sell out quickly." Take this time to purchase chunky knit cardigans, cashmere lounge sets, and comfy slippers before the size and colors you want vanish.

Plus with the wide variety of different face masks on the market, it is easy to find one that is comfortable and easy to wear. Russo says she's noticed an uptick in silk face masks. She says their popularity is due to their breathability, and they could help minimize Maskne, which is acne or other skin irritations that result from wearing a mask.